Parker Law Group Named Hampton County Business of the Year

Hampton, SC – January 25, 2024, The Hampton County Chamber of Commerce named Parker Law Group as the Business of the Year. The annual award was announced Thursday, Jan. 25 at the Chamber’s annual awards luncheon.
“Parker Law Group is one of the most reliable and consistent contributors to worthy causes across Hampton County,” said Jo Ann Lamprecht, executive director of the Hampton County Chamber of Commerce. “From creating jobs to supporting those in need, we know we can count on the good people of the Parker Law Group.”
Lamprecht cited the firm’s efforts to bring a YMCA to Hampton County, its quarterly blood drives for the Red Cross and its annual food drives which provide food for needy families during the holidays as among the firm’s commendable charitable activities.
“We’re honored to receive this award,” said Randy Murdaugh, a firm partner and member of Parker Law Group’s management committee. “Our attorneys and employees believe it’s part of our mission to contribute to making Hampton County a better place to live and to work.”
Lamprecht said Parker Law Group sponsors many Chamber activities including regularly scheduled evening business mixers which allow local business owners to get better acquainted with each other.
She added that Parker Law Group contributes funds and its employees volunteer thousands of hours to worthy causes by providing annual scholarships to worthy high school seniors, giving supplies to local schools, and sponsoring local youth sports leagues, church activities and the annual Hampton County Watermelon Festival.
“We’re enormously grateful to the Parker Law Group for being a stalwart in support of our blood drives.” said Mike Gonzalez, Coastal Account Representative of the South Carolina Region of the American Red Cross. “Year in and year out, the Parker Law Group leads the way in building our crucial blood supply. Hosting five drives every year, they collected more than 100 units of blood in the past year,” said Gonzalez.
“Many of us who work at Parker Law Group grew up here,” said Johnny Parker, a veteran attorney and partner at the firm. “We’re proud to be a part of this community. We’re dedicated to being a good place for our employees to work, and to making meaningful contributions to Hampton and the surrounding county.”
In addition to its support of local civic and charitable activities, Parker noted that the firm often provides pro-bono legal services such as estate planning and creation of wills for residents in need of the counsel of a local attorney.
Parker Law Group partner Mark Ball expressed support for the Hampton County Chamber of Commerce and urged businesses to contribute to the Chamber in its mission to support local economic development efforts.
“We’re privileged to be a part of this community, and our firm is determined to partner with our Chamber and other organizations to make this a vibrant place to live, work and raise families,” said Ball.
Parker Law Group, based in Hampton, South Carolina, with offices in nearby Ridgeland and Walterboro, is a progressive law firm dedicated to helping our clients and our community.
The Hampton County Chamber of Commerce is involved in various aspects of community life, through involvement in the business community, education and tourism. The purpose of the Chamber is to advance civic, commercial, industrial and agricultural interests of Hampton County; promote the general welfare and prosperity of the county; stimulate public sentiment to these ends; and provide such social features as will promote these purposes.