Our attorneys have a nationwide reputation for successfully representing railroad employees and others who have been injured or lost a loved one as a result of the negligence of railroad companies. Our attorneys have represented the estates of individuals killed at railroad grade crossings as a result of obstructed sight distances, malfunctioning gates, malfunctioning lights, excessive train speeds, failing to properly sound the train horn as well as suits against railroad companies under the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA).

For nearly half a century, our attorneys have handled claims against railroad companies, amassing a library of materials to aid in the prosecution of railroad claims and producing substantial verdicts for our clients. Because of our attorneys’ successful cases against CSX relating to overgrown crossings, CSX’s Vice President, Tom Smythe, testified that CSX decided to allocate appropriate funds to provide adequate sight distances at its crossings. As a result of the crossing clearing program, hundreds of lives have been saved and thousands of injuries prevented.

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