Insurance coverage is not free. You pay premiums in order to insure your automobile, home, business and health. Unfortunately, insurance carriers make their profits by collecting premiums, not by paying claims. Insurance carriers profit when they avoid paying claims, delay paying claims or when they settle a claim for less than its true value. The insurance industry is one of the largest industries in our country with a large and powerful lobby and thousands of lawyers representing their interests.

In South Carolina, your insurance carrier owes you a duty of good faith and fair dealing in processing and adjusting insurance claims made by you or made by others against you. If an insurance carrier fails or refuses to properly and timely evaluate, adjust or pay your claim or a claim made against you, you have legal recourse to recoup the damages you suffer as a result of the insurance carrier’s bad faith and breach of contract.

Our attorneys have successfully handled bad faith, breach of contract and declaratory judgment actions against insurance carriers for failure to provide insurance coverage, failure to protect insureds against claims made by others, failure to pay health care benefits, failure to pay fire claims, failure to timely adjust claims, failure to pay retirement and disability benefits, and failure to provide underinsured motorist coverage.



The plaintiff sustained severe and permanent injuries in a motor vehicle collision. The plaintiff sent a time demand to the insurance company for the available coverage and the insurance company failed to respond, resulting in a bad faith action against the insurance company.


The plaintiff sustained serious injuries when a dump truck struck the plaintiff’s vehicle. The dump truck’s insurance company let it go into default, resulting in the plaintiff obtaining a $2,500,000.00 default judgment, which was subsequently collected.


The plaintiffs sustained injuries when a trailer detached from another vehicle, causing a collision. The insurance company failed to answer the plaintiffs’ lawsuit, resulting in the plaintiffs obtaining a $2,500,000.00 default judgment, which was subsequently collected.


The plaintiff sustained injuries in a motor vehicle collision. The insurance company failed to respond to the plaintiff’s lawsuit, resulting in the plaintiff obtaining a $1,800,000.00 default judgment, which was subsequently collected.


The results shown above were obtained by our attorneys. Many were obtained while our attorneys were working with another law firm. These results should not be considered a description or characterization of Parker Law Group, LLP’s representation. Nor should it be interpreted as a guarantee of a specific result or outcome of a particular case. Each and every case is different. Please schedule an appointment to have one of our attorneys discuss your case with you.

For Help with your case, contact us